I have outlined a Trade-offs-based Evolutionary Model
for the Maintenance of polymorphism in extraversion (Nettle,
the 2,005th). Positively is strongly related to extraversion and
Number of Sexual Partners (Heaven, Fitzpatrick, Craig,
Kelly, & Sebar, 2000; Nettle, 2005), which, for Men in
particular, Can increase fitness. High scorers are also more
likely to Engage in Extrapair copulations or to terminate a
Relationship for another. This May Lead to securing their
mates of higher quality than those by individuals Secured
Who in their Constant are more Choice of Partners. The
Benefits of extraversion are not Limited to mating, as extraverts,
or those High on the closely correlated Trait of Sensation
seeking, initiate more social behavior (Buchanan,
Johnson, & Goldberg, 2,005) and have more social Support
(Franken, Gibson, &. Mohan, 1990) than others. Moreover,
they are more physically active and Exploration undertake more
of their Environment (Chen et al., one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine; Kircaldy,
the 1,982th).
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