Course Code Course Name 2001-1001 knowledge about career, teaching time 8 unit 4
chapter titles, rights and duties of the people: the meaning of the people in the business enterprise labor protection act The 2541 amendment of 2551 time 2 hours./ week
1. Essence
.The maximum of enterprise assets is the people, we have to admit that man's resources are very important. Compared with other resources, such as location, money, equipment, machinery, materials, raw materials, etc.And the simple like people, which is what moves all the time, feeling, so several organization. To recognize the importance of the work, which means people associated with the business enterprise in the form และตำแหน่ง variousGood. Come to work when people nice to work. Entrepreneurs need to maintain the rights and duties of all workers understand within the organization as specified by the law and business ethics in order to work.Organizations succeed finally, in which the rights and duties of the worker. It is said the point that look clear picture, including labor protection act 2541 amended 2551
.2. Learning objectives 1.1 general purpose 1
.? To summarize the meaning of people in business organizations, 2
. Understand the rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 amendment of 2551 has
2.2 behavioral objectives / integration of economy
1) cognitive domain
- understanding, and can be used to explain the meaning of a person in the business enterprise have
2). Cognitive skills
.Research on the right - duty of workers labor protection act of 2541 amending the 2551 you
3). Affective
- have an interest in the law related to self more
3. Performance
1.Summarizing of the people in business organizations, 2
. Understand the rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 amendment of 2551
1 4. learning. The meaning of the individuals in the business enterprise
2.The rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 amended in 2551
5.1 learning activities 5.) leading to lessons
-. Review 2 introductory chapter and the meaning of individuals in the business enterprise level teaching 5.2
.- knowledge about the rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 edit further the 2551
5.3 conclusion
-. The rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 Amendment Act2551 to help students to understand 6, matching
. Learning materials and Learning Resources Protection Act was amended 2541
7 labor 2551 integrated link 7.1 learning
.- can link of rights of workers labor protection act of 2541 amending the 2551 in application in the future. 7.2. The integration of human 7.2.1
.- the work of various need human relations. In coordination with the employee or other person in the organization and external social 7.2.2
.- individuals in organizations, both employer and employee. You should respect each other. To make the society with quality and more peaceful
7.3.1 7.3 activities exchange of ideas!- each one offers opinions on the functions of the people in the organization. Clarify the rights and duties of the people in the organization to discuss together
. 7.3.2 Working Group- the students in groups equally. The 2 group distribution rights and duties of the people in the organization 8
1, measurement and evaluation. Observation practice group
2. Evaluation of moral values and the characteristics 9
.Records of the results of learning, 10
. Further suggestions
, 11. The administrators, who assigned
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