Directed by: Wes Ball
actor: Kaya, Brodie-Sangster Scodelario Thomas, O ', Dylan Brien Ki Hong Lee
synopsisMaze Runner 2 called I'm home for part of the Survivor 2 adventure films adapted from literature, youth who continued to 4 เล่มจบ. Maze Runner is level books bestseller writer James dash."The hunt puzzle", which was the director, Western bell (Wes Ball) has the most stories of adventure thrill to continue the fun again. When the audience, if not read would think over after coming back to the modern times.!!It's not that easy. As for in part two has to add special effects and adjust the scale the image details of the leather to larger from the region.After a successful beautiful go to film The Maze Runner together in the first season. กลับมาใน sequel to this Maze Runner:TheScorch Trials by 20th Century Fox announced construction continued up immediately without delay, which in the name that Maze Runner:TheScorch Trials by in this sector has the director, much craftsmanship from last semester. Wes ball (Wes Ball) have created a fun and not let the fans. The film disappointed before. Back in this sector, the concept of art. With the team the lead quality medicines.(Kaya Scodelario),Thomas Brody Sangster (Thomas Brodie-Sangster), Dylan o 'Brian (Dylan O' Brien) and Kai Hong Lee (Ki Hong Lee) joined together to convey the story of adventure in a sequel to watch!
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