Location area measured by most of the plains Transportation in the canal some say through the south. Inside the temple, there are buildings of various religious as follows: Church wide 8 meters long, 15 meters, building on theThe 21st 40 Thai traditional is the doorway. 3. The front door of door behind the two doors, no windows, Kuti was 6 after number. 6. After many buildings and building half Thai half wood applied chapel. The sermon hall.Sacred object with Buddha Hall there is a statue of the Buddha Buddha sitting ปางสมาธิ old build before Bangkok
.Some measure of said outside built around theConstitution history of 21 no current who know history. Only know that this temple was approximately 30 years scrap. The name of that temple is located at the canal, some say. Therefore, dubbed by terrain location measure.Some say the measure received swiftly ผูกพัทธสีมา. When B.Prof. 21
9 head Abbot as far as we know, the field and history have 5 picture
Figure 1 rector Mui unknown image
Figure 2 rector herbal sleep you mano.? ๒๕๒๑
Figure 3 school newspapers cognitive substances (Sanan fountain ทฺ this made RO) age 60 years old international ๒๕๒๑ BC - ๒๕๒๔
.Figure 4 phrapalad merit and โชติว to Ho ๒๕๒๔ BC - 1986
Figure 5 school newspapers you Chao สุทฺ Smith, grew up in mind now, until the present time
the current measured for of land. A second deed by Land Act
.The first edition is allocated their benefits, which has title number 19 9 24 Vol 19 9 page 24 เป็นจำนวน area 10 acres. 3. 6 8 square meters (out of date. 30 October B. 1997
.The second area is measured. Title number 19 9 25 Volume 19 9 page 25 of area of 7, 7 square meters (issued on 13 months. October 1997. B.
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