4.2. Water quality assessment by zooplankton diversity and suggestions.It can be concluded from index analysis that water quality in this section belongs to - mesosaprobic zone. The construction. Of hydroelectric dam has changed the form of water current and the, hydrologic regime so that appropriate biological habitats. Decrease and the function of water body purification becomes weak. Strategies and suggestions.Results of this investigation show that it is practicable to evaluate water quality with zooplankton. Shannon-wiener diversity. Index H and Margalef richness index D are more suitable for water evaluation of Jialing River. Appropriate monitoring should. Be strengthened, in future including physicochemical indexes and biological monitoring so as, to provide scientific decision-making. Of environmental protection of administrative departments at all levels with accurate basis. Meanwhile intensify management,, Of existing pollution and ecological restoration and carry out in-depth investigation so as, to solve the issue of non-point. Source pollution in rural area gradually.
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