The sea too
shredded squid, lightly cooked ingredients into pieces, enough for a 1/2 cup fresh shelled shrimp, removing the okluak
1/2 cup 1/2
steamed blue crab cups Oyster Mussel sheep raiser
l, 1/4 cup of meat, only seafood I like
other raiser, papaya, chopped 1/2 cup
paprika 2 tbsp Park
.Garlic, peeled 2 tbsp.
1 and string beans with shredded tomato pod 3
2 tbsp dried shrimp output
2 to spoon lime juice fish sauce 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tbsp pip
powder 1 tbsp spicy fried peanuts 2 tablespoons
how do.1 paprika with garlic pounded enough crushed
2 Put the tomatoes and string beans with dried shrimp, pounded together
3. Season with lime juice, sugar, soup powder, fish sauce, pip pounded together
4. Put together enough pounded papaya papaya cham little
4. Put the squid, lightly cooked shrimp raiser Lightly cooked mussels steamed blue crab or other seafood to Knead together
5. Just as you like
6 lap papaya salad seafood plate served with fresh vegetables, peanuts, strewn with
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