Startling was young search-dominant Windows down to the railway square!! fact is accused rape cases of children escape-thief. Time 17:11 a.m. September 2 2558 (2015) A young city girl rape case flee udon and a motorcycle thief to a full 4-year work in Bangkok before coming back home to visit the train is a train called police raids while seated until the end of the shock woke the sleeping. Jumping the train window to escape a train rushed by survive, but the speed is OK Go crashing into the ground until a broken arm. Crack head. Injury. Police stopped the procession, phakhon railway. Bringing hurt to send, before checking the name know that there is an arrest warrant next to the motorcycle and the thief raped. The confession came 4 years fear prison escape at all, but decided to jump into the wrong port hoping to escape the escape rangkrathaek the ground until a broken arm.
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