Well, your ... .. (hello, introduce ourselves) Your Honour, respect it. Our King It is well known that. He is the king of his wisdom. There is a long sight Royal has a variety of countless celebrities such as Royal Agricultural and raise the living conditions of the people. These include the New Theory Sufficient economy Royal on the conservation of natural resources and the environment. Royal Medical Services and Public Health. Royal Education Royal Religion King Taksin's internal security. King Taksin's international relations. Royal Culture Royal Sports, and so for this reason. He received the Royal Smayya the variety of his subjects. As we've already heard about his father's land. Father of the Supreme Artist Father rain. Father inventor addition, he has also been called Smayya. Chatthong of the Northeastern, too, which means those that provide shade. The abundance of vast new inhabitant of the Northeast is priceless itself ..... Read on: https://www.gotoknow.org/posts/504214
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