Subject code 2001-1001 Course Title Knowledge about coaching career times 9 unit 4
chapter titles, rights and duties of working people: the law of compensation fund. 2537 labour law. The 2518 time 2 hours / week
1. Essence
.The workmen's Compensation Act. 2537 is the labor law to employees or employees with the meet for the first time since illness due to staff work to employer. The employer must pay to the People
.Labour Relations Act.2518 law society, set up to benefit in solving labor disputes related to practice each other between employers and employees in the work, which affect the service. Production.2. Learning objectives 2.1 general purpose 1
.? In order to know the rights and obligations of employees and employers in the workmen's Compensation Act 2
.In order to know the rights and obligations of employees and employers according to the labour law
2.2. Behavioral objectives / integration of economy 1) cognitive domain
.- understanding, and can describe the rights and duties of the employee and the employer according to the workmen's Compensation Act,
The rights and obligations of employees and employers according to the labour law 2)
. Cognitive skills- can research on rights and duties of the employee and the employer according to the law of compensation and the rights and obligations of employees and employers, according to the labour law and practice to work piece can
3). Affective
.- attention to substantial rights and obligations of employees and employers in the money
replacement and rights and duties of employees and employers according to the labour law
3.? Performance 1
.Understand the rights of workers compensation act, B.E.. 2537 has
2.? Understand the rights of workers in the labour law. The 2518 has
4. Learning
1. The workmen's Compensation Act, B.E. . 2537
2.Labour law of 2518
5. Learning activities 5.1) leading to lessons
-. Review the meaning of individuals in the business enterprise and the labor protection of 2541 edit more. The 2551
5.2 step-by-step instruction
.- detailed knowledge about the workmen's Compensation Act and the 2537 labour law. The 2518
5.3 conclusion
-. Summary about the workmen's Compensation Act and the 2537 labour law.2518 and suggestions in application to achieve maximum benefit
6.? Learning materials and learning resources.
1 compensation act of 2537
2. The Labour Relations Act, B.E. 2518
7. Bu establish links
7.1. Learning
.- can lead to knowledge about the law of compensation. 2537 labour law. The 2518 and to link with the work in the future. 7.2. The integration of human 7.2.1
.- understand and can bring the Labour Relations Act 2518 law society, set up to benefit in solving labor disputes related to practice each other between employers and employees 7.2.2 society
.- when the employer and employee knowledge of the workmen's Compensation Act and the 2537 act relations. The 2518
7.3. The exchange of thoughts 7.3.1 activities
.- students ideas in content the workmen's Compensation Act and the 2537 act relations. The 2518
7.3.2. Working group on
- students role playing. The content of the workmen's Compensation Act.2537, and labour law. The 2518
8. Measurement and evaluation of 1,
. Observation practice group
2. Evaluate the moral values and characteristics, 9
. Record management principles learned
10.Further suggestions
, 11. The administrators, who assigned
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