That summer, birds odd circulation change to we see will stimulate the craving for bird watchers wonder those birds come from? What is the cause it to evacuate because even in other animals such as fish.And even insects. Even if there is a migration method, the weird, but birds, are the only animals in the world, with most migration, even humans. Though there are various vehicles. Many models, but none none.From the continent. The arc) to the continent. Antarctic. Like, such as birds, the R. Do
.The birds adapt both body structure and the physical environment, to suit living air. Both wings, tail feathers, bone, lung, and cavitation in tissue. The metabolic cause energy. Living astonishingly.The bird can seek a place with the environment, suitable for living. It in the time of each season, each year with you. The properties of such natural phenomenon that we call, migration, migration ofOccurring every year. In each season, the change to the immigration เกิดขึ้นซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า from areas of one to The area of one another and circulating back to this endlessly
.From human experience tell us that the causes from the source of food decreased due to the extremely brutally and alarms. Changes of nature from the former, in some areas, the appearance of.As a sign of change for the Eskimo, and various tribes in the north pole, meant signal that was going into the spring. The weather is warm start up from hunger poverty in winter is gone.However, the true kind of depressing that the fur trade in Alaska and Canada are monkeys, when news from Native Americans. See the wild geese migrated. So that means there will be a new type of prey for them to hunt.!!!!????
.For the American north starting trouble, because every time that the ducks and geese, the immigrants, as well as the birds pea. Wild pigeon, and birds, snipe Dong, they were the hunter bloodlust. According to kill ทั้งที่อ้างว่า.Used as food and for sports games (savage - cruelly) were enormously increased every year, the poor animal these contribute significantly. To help get rid of insects and weeds in soon, bird watchers watching to reduce.Birds migrated to different opinions, we must control the hunt, borderless area. Both the state and national level in various regions. Must be issued. The law limited hunting unconsciously. This finally to provide treatment resources.Sustainable need education to the habit living, environmental conditions, ideal, and the migration of these birds to understand completely. In foreign countries, education seriously, causing a reduction of number of migratory birds such asConverter using land reclamation destroy the bird habitat, as well as the impact of using modern technology of humans have cooperation. From the enterprise, the state and private sector both in and abroad to study.Right to protection for Geo Exodus. These
.Scientists and government officials, including the local volunteers have to gather information and exchange of information. On migration. Of the birds in the area of the pole, Latin America, Canada and volunteer from all over the world. Monitoring.The report of migration of birds, migratory birds in North America, has been collecting data record for most organizations in continental Europe and America. The pleasure to share information about these migratory birds and seek.From every nation in the world, which realizes the importance of skin protection of migratory birds. These to be forever!
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