PC Era 1 (1954-1962) used the computer in this era of vacuum tubes and relays a primary device in the circuit instead of a machine. In principle, the work of Cheez electricity. (Open - closed circuit) is more reliable than that. And electrical switches are faster than using a machine to 1000 as vacuum tubes, but that's it. The downside is that require more power. Lifetime Short It is important that large. This is the imperfection of the computer era. For example, the ENIAC computer must use the bulb vacuum to 18,000 tubes electricity needs of up to 140 kW and weighs 30 tons, computers, electronics, the worlds first computer ABC (1937), developed by Dr. John v. York. Tanaka Software Drives (John V Atanasoff) and Cliff Ford Ta (Clifford Berry) is a programmable machine. But the basis for electronic computer binary later later in 1943 have computers, electronic equipment Colossians 2 is Zeus. This machine was built to take advantage of the military that is. Use decoding secret German military used to communicate. In World War 2, but computer Kolo Zeus has been kept a secret. Until the late 1970s, which ended World War 2, it was revealed later in the year 1943 J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly have collaborated to create the first large electronic computer. A computer for general use and build successfully in 1945 and is named my new account (ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), this machine weighs 30 tons, consisting of vacuum tubes, 18,000 bulbs space of 30x50 pace the power to. 160 kW, the machine's new account is activated first. Electric lamps with dimmer to dim around the city of Philadelphia, which this machine was built here ENIAC was built to serve in the military as well. The tables used to calculate the trajectory of the shot and later the two of you have created the unit's computer (UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer) was launched. The first computer was designed to be used in commercial UNIVAC I computer to market, people began to realize the importance of computers. After seeing the results of the analytical work properly pronounce of five percent. Of the total population Correctly, that Mr. Dwight D. Eisenhower would win the presidential election in the United States. In the election year. Since 1953.
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