Saturn is the name of the God of agriculture Saturn the planet's name, with a beautiful ring, which is composed of ice and dust from hundreds of bands at. Saturn is the second largest planet behind Jupiter orbit the Sun from badi is 6, next to Jupiter, is the most beautiful planets because they appear with the ring around the Moon. When illuminated by a relatively color-yellow telescope will move slowly through the constellation to Zodiac. Saturn has an average diameter of approximately 9 kilometers or approximately 119871 times of the world. Orbit away from the Sun is an average distance of 9.54 astronomical units, light from the Sun takes 1 hour 15 minutes for the journey to Saturn. Take khotronopduang Sun up 29.46 years of Earth with a speed rate of 9.64 km per second, and rotate around itself, around 1 hour 40 minutes lasted 10 more quickly, which makes Saturn bulge in the Equatorial orientation characteristics and noticeable when viewed with a telescope from Earth. New medications, except the kaboran heavenly beings with Uranus said his wife Gaea is (or the world) many people who grow the name Saturn, or Chronos (Khronos) also flies from time to time, it is the origin of the word Chronometer, Chronology per soptiwat UNO macro against the father of the layout standard usurp Blanc, but subsequently was the son of a cattle-processing St geoirs jupiter usurp the throne, and Blanc was expelled from heaven after long-term. For the Romans considered Saturn as beings of the harvest and the contract in writing as a sickle and rice.
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