Moscow Defense 400
For pain, fever, headache, migraine, menstrual cramps, arthritis ingredients in one capsule
solvent vapor Abu ibuprofen. (Solubillized ibuprofen)
equivalent to a boolean ibuprofen (iduprofen) 400 mg
dose:.Adults and children Older than 12 years old
Dosage 1 capsule every 4-6 hours may blunt the symptoms. Do not take more than 3 capsules within 24 hours unless your doctor
Size: 10 Capsules
WARNING: Read the warning label before consumer
This drug is used for pain, fever, headache, migraine, arthritis pain medication
How this drug is a drug capsule for eating. Intake, as specified in the label
.Should be taken immediately after meals or drinking more water. To reduce adverse drug events after drug
. Should not be placed in the prone plains, 10-20 minutes because the drug may cause irritation
pretend food. Do not crush or chew the tablet
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