Yesterday (August) 24 pol evolved color pattern ked secondary ผบก. Commission of Nakhon Ratchasima. With the police investigation, thoracic radiography series high hill together question, Mr. A (proper name)). Age 16 years were caught by the police after the most ruthless to commit the rope scout strangled killed Ms.Fish age 15 years, girl students vocational years 1 died CA bedroom cottage T. hill high. High hill, Nakhon Ratchasima, along with rape. Before leaving the corpse in the
.The body wearing one. The bottom half naked, tying hands behind your back. Another rope lines and fasteners on the neck by the one who found the body is her somjit age 40 years, mother of the deceased, which ขณะที่พบ bodies, Miss fish have died already less than 2 day
.Investigation of Mr. a plead guilty, that is the same with the victim, village houses away กันเพียง 100 meters. , and was a classmate in elementary school and middle school. The cause because secretly in love with MissFish, because the victim looks good
date to commit the time 4 pm Friday 21 Ken ago, Mr. A, sneak into the house holed up in the bedroom. The miss.The fish's notebook computers. Play with her friends and Facebook in the hall of the house. Before you go into the bedroom was Mr. a grapple
.Mr a said that the deceased tried to scream for help. But was overpowered and was in the face and the abdomen unconscious. The boy scout tie rope hand behind before rape, but haven't masturbate.The rope again line strangle unconscious still
.The rhythm is barking loudly. Thus escape by bringing a notebook computer and mobile phone of the deceased. The next day, the mobile phone to get 300 baht before escaping to a friend's house.Before being arrested, the police finally
.In her age 40 somjit years. My mother of the deceased, provided that normally are talking on the phone or Facebook with the daughter sleep during the day. Until Saturday night couldn't contact my daughter. But also don't think there will be an accident.Decided from Bangkok travel back to her house. Before becoming the body died Ka bedroom. Don't think that people in the village are the most brutal attacks like this!
however, police charge 3 serious charges include killing others intentionally, robbery and rape. Before the control transmitter the prosecuted by following these steps
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