Basic information Nakhon Ratchasima city schools10-digit school code: 1,030,200,912Smis: 8 digit code 30,010,018Code: 6-digit Obec 200,912School name (Thailand): Nakhon Ratchasima citySchool name (English): Muang Nakhonratchasima SchoolAddress: Moo-house number 310 road matchup: Tambon In the city.District: Nakhon Ratchasima cityProvince: Nakhon RatchasimaZip code: 30000Phone: 044-242364Fax: 044-247635School level: Kindergarten-elementary educationDay-month-year established: 2496 May 18.Email: mnm.schoolkorat1@gmail.comWeb site: School Web sites (Host saphot.) Development of network education quality: Local governments: In the city.Distance to school: education zone 15 kmDistance from the school district to: 3 km.
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