From the influence of the new liberal ideas (neo-liberalism) has revolutionized the mechanism of market goods and services completely, both the emergence and functioning of the market system. The market did not come naturally from the market mechanism based on the concept of Adam Smith. But the emergence of the market for goods and services in the international level in the current range of requirements arising from international agreements. Both multilateral and bilateral The international agreement that occurs in many of these new markets, products and services, international society resulting in. International agreements regarding these products and services that result in State policy requires the management and economic operation, according to the bond or by agreement. Which directly affect the sovereignty of the State to select and implement appropriate public policies towards the peculiarities of each State and cause development to continue running smoothly. The first issue is important in the aftermath, which has influenced the new liberal environment, it is a concept in trade liberalization. By focusing on the State's policy to respond to liberalisation of trade, especially the trade and service sectors. The movement processes and technology. Public policy or any policy to focus on responding to the liberalisation process, trade and investment. Especially when you consider the Thai nation itself. We define public policies by focusing on support Respond to and facilitate continued foreign investors to seek and gain (marginalization), as much as possible, rather than to consider the nature and reality of the social, economic and the development level of the country's economic Thai. Instead, the Government is committed to the needs and problems of people within the country. The State returned to try to retrieve the ultra Med foreign investors to come and invest in the country. Which, as a consequence, policy actions is contingent to the international agreement and try to change things that are public domain (public goods), as goods (commodities) under processing state enterprises or investment liberalization. Public policy has been modified and the economic development structures in order to meet the requirements of the investor group. Which is aiming at developing the leap to tantamount to other countries, regardless of their potential and actual needs of the people. See the case clearly, for example, the FTA with countries where there are no Thai studies through the result-consequences well enough before liberalisation. Lack of preparation to accommodate sufficient impact aspects And when the problem occurs, the affected person must be exposed to public sector ด็คือ bear. Both the truth and the principle of near where we should be, as is the concept of localism is looking at a potential that we can? In accordance with the development of its recommendation, without being to try to have as superpowers. I'd just driven fluid flow, economic Not ment and bring well-being to the public sector.
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