Plant roots, diuretic, fresh leaf, pandan leaves water, nourishes the heart
direction: diuretic use from 1 stem or root 1 clasp. Boil with water!Tonic heart fresh leaves is mixed in food or used to squeeze water dosage 2 - 4 spoon curry, use fresh leaves pound squeezed water to green water mixed food. Fragrance dress coat color, or in the form of a tea brewed with hot water.Add sugar a little alcohol
.Pandan leaves the dress color and flavor drinks, desserts, and several kinds of food nutrition leaves pine
live there are essential oils, taste is sweet And the popular green food coloring is a substance โรฟิล neck and
.Used as medicine. Fresh leaves boiled with water, reduce the symptoms of thirst. Nourish the heart, invigorating, stem and roots as a diuretic, diabetes and light water wasting disease disability
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