Weather Forecast dated June 7, 2559
in the rain in upper Thailand is likely to diminish. But there is still heavy rain in some areas, mostly in Nong Khai, Bueng Kan, Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom, Chanthaburi and Trat, people in the Danger of rain accumulated in this period. The Metropolitan most rain in the afternoon to evening
weather forecast for Bangkok at 17:00. Today - 17:00. Tomorrow
is mostly cloudy. Thundershowers with 40 percent of the area in the afternoon to evening. Minimum temperature 28-29 C. Maximum temperature 34-37 C. Southwesterly winds 15-30 km / hr.
For more information, issued June 7, 2559 16:00 am.
7 day forecast forward 07 mm. A. . 59-13 June 59
is expected
during June 8-10 in Thailand, with rain drops. During the June 11-13 across more rain. And isolated heavy rain The Bangkok Metropolitan Area There will be intermittent rain Mostly in the afternoon to evening.
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