When the year 2549 of Smith blockbuster station Discovery Discovery Channel describes the chemical process behind the reaction fountain Executive coke was gum Arabic (substances used to fill in a state of constant). and gelatin in Mento. Reacts to caffeine, potassium benzoate and aspartic time. (Sugar) in the Coke, but no one has studied this science seriously. To get a more precise Coffeyville and a team of students tested the reactions comparison between Diet Coke and Mentos to create a fruit flavor, mint, and additives such as mint, dishwashing liquid, salt and sand research team also tested against soft drinks such as soft drinks without caffeine. They included sugar and soda water. And tonic mixed drink used
by the research team tested the bottle at an angle of 10 degrees and recording fountain while leaning out of the bottle. Save Water gushed out And the influence of surface Mentos candy reactive result showed that. Whether or fruit flavored Mentos mint SERC. It reactions fountain Diet Coke was the same and can rise up to seven meters on trial with caffeine-free Diet Coke has the same effect that caffeine is not a catalyst. The amount of caffeine used in mixed drinks Diet Coke, which is not much when measuring acidity - alkalinity of coke before and after experiment. PH - pH constant (pH≈4) means a theory that says that the reaction of the acid - base. You do not have to explain that. The research team found that fountain Diet Coke a low shot just depends on many factors combine to influence the amount of carbon dioxide bubbles addition Mento rough surface also provides more bubbles. Due to harass the polarization between the molecules of water makes bubbles add more volume "in general. Water molecules bind to water molecules next to it. And if you take something into the drink resulting molecular network turbulent water. And foaming is normal. If you put candy on a rough surface compared to volume. It causes more bubbles, "the researchers say this surface tension also allows smaller bubbles faster. When the test results to see that. Water containing aspartic time. (Aspartame or saccharin), which taste sweet nectar containing surfactants less common. It explains why the bubble burst as soon as Diet Coke, Coke plain. Another factor is gum Arabic coated Mento. A surfactant is added to the surface tension of the Diet. Coke fell more Apparently When the trial mint candy that no surfactant is made. In addition, a large fountain Mento has a dense mass. And sinking fast Thus greatly speeding up the spill before the bubble even more bottles. Mento arose from the resolution when put into Diet Coke bubble rose just 30 cm only in soft drinks all contain carbonic acid (H2CO3) is. This acid is a weak acid, but is unstable. Must always decomposes to water and carbon dioxide. Typically, gas, carbon dioxide molecule is non-polar (non-polar) can not be dissolved in water with a pole (polar) as the primary substance with a terminal condition as can be dissolved in it (Like dissolve like). which is why the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water because the pressure (Pressure) is added. The induced carbon dioxide cause the water to have a terminal condition. We call this kind of a polarizing force. "The induced dipole (Dipole-induced dipole force) ", which has a terminal condition that is often characterized by a very strong when we open a bottle of sparkling water with carbon dioxide gas bubbles out because it reduces the voltage (Reference: universities, bureaus. 1. 11. Chemical edition: a ruler of Thailand Ltd., 2541. Page 148.) The Mentos candy (mentos) are radioactive Arabic (Arabic gum), which is beginning to tire of Acacia have. the ability to reduce the surface tension of the liquid. By coating the surface of a Mentos. When viewing surface of a Mentos candy with an electron microscope to find that a rough and porous. Which is suitable for the reaction because it increases the surface area to react in a trial that will put Mentos candies into bottles of soft drinks in any kind of sugar. Since sugar is a disturbing reaction. When Gum Arabic is coated on the surface of the Mentos with soda will react to rapidly due to gum Arabic to disturb the bond between water and carbon dioxide. The catch is in the form of carbonic acid. Making the surface tension of the liquid (soft drinks) decreased. Carbon dioxide can make more out of the water molecules. The pressure inside the bottle so much more. It can pressure the liquid inside ejected outside. But not a bomb at all.
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