Method of rolling the rolled
1. Using the temperature in the iron 160-170 degrees (the ironing before rolling prints)
2. The body has a sheet รีดด้านที่ upside down on the shirt as low position to close with a cloth no
3.Put the iron according to position. Then exert press hard, then repeat the ลายพื imps. To make the task more quality
.Rolling methods pattern smaller than iron. Should press and rolling around around the target hit iron thoroughly. Should not be less than 20-30 sec
4.Not to copy paper or film. But the inner cloth rolled out to repeat the same way to add more strength
5.Leave to cool before the copy paper or film. The area with small area which must be careful while pulling out the paper. If printed on paper or film. Should stop strip rolling repeated immediately
6. You will work, durable, beautiful
1. The reed doesn't suit fabrics umbrella (nylon) or fabric with big hole groove (rib / mesh)
2. In the case of iron system ไอน้ำควร off steam system before
3. Back cloth inside out every time when washing and rolled to the fastness and reed
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