4. Nursing practiceNursing practice to promote health service recipients this one. Mainly to teach health is to provide detailed information to create knowledge and understanding to the clients, such as the danger from drinking an energy drink The dangers of eating cooked and raw, diseases or health problems resulting from smoking. The teaching of health such as the concept of adult learning applications. Also in the nursing practice to support the family members of patients is the wife, participate in activities such as The menu. Preparation and appropriate to the health problems of service recipients, have group activities. By colleagues or neighbors to join the skills training. And exchange of experience in issues related to the service. The visit is to evaluate and educate more advice.5. Evaluation.The attention. To cooperate in providing detailed information. And do activities follow the map set together well. The wife of service recipients and group members is an important part that makes the เปลี่ยนแปลงพฤติกรรม occurs. After evaluation and suggestion for 1 for months. The car stopped eating cooked and raw, and smoked cigarettes per day decreased. The energy drink drink per day decreased. Can use skills to excretion easier. But the pattern bowel movement is not usualCase summary.The men in the age 39 years, married couple, education level 6 sub-contract in general. Health risk behaviors is eating spicy not on time, eat not 3 meals / day. Eating cooked and raw drinking an energy drink. Drinking and smoking. The pattern does not conform to the normal bowel disease hemorrhoids after joint กำหนดวัตถุประสงค์, target and way to solve the problem with the nurse. The knowledge about the behavior and organization.
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