Social etiquette in the NetherlandsMeet together.When we meet with family, friends, and acquaintances. In General, nationals of the Netherlands are aromatic cheeks 3 times by greetings switch sides, but men in General just shake hands when they meet together.During the talk.The Dutch are the people who say quite straightforward. Size, sometimes you might feel threatened. All topics of conversation can talk about informal.To make a gift.In the country Netherlands A culture that will have to bring a gift to take home when you are eating dinner. Although non-birthday party, however, which could be a book, flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine.Food.The food isn't what's important to much of the Dutch. Maybe the breakfast for the Dutch, it overlooked Section eating lunch, it will be simple dishes, such as bread, dairy products and fruit section, it will be the dinner potato, vegetables and meat. In the majority of drinks such as coffee or tea to drink it throughout the day. Most dinner 18.00 – 19.00 to start on time, and most restaurants will close the kitchen at the time, at 21.00.To bring food to eat in the shop.In practice, and then The Dutch generally upheld this rule as well. Bringing your own food, whether it is drinking water or dessert in a restaurant review is that it will not. If you have your own food, must eat before hurrying into the seat or stored afterwards. You should order your food inside the restaurant but only.The appointment.Who will see to that, we will need to make an appointment before the? The availability of both parties. So do not be surprised that the Dutch people, everyone will have a small notebook, write down the date, Agenda, called the keep appointments.The Dutch people go home without strikes ahead it's not polite, especially as adults than people or people that we are not familiar. However, even if we are going to visit Thailand friends together. It must always think that homeowners might not straightforwardly address. There are others to join the discussion in the House by him before. Request. That is most convenient for you by calling to say and both parties should be recorded to memory, so you should have it's own Agenda on hold.To cancel the appointment and the appointmentเมื่อเรานัดหมายได้ บางครั้งก็จำเป็นทีจะต้องยกเลิกนัดหมายนั้นได้เช่นเดียวกัน แต่การยกเลิกนัดไม่ใช่โทรไปในเวลาที่นัดเอาไว้ หรือโทรไปหลังจากเวลานัด แต่เราต้องโทรไปแจ้งอีกฝ่ายทันทีที่เรารู้ว่าไปไม่ได้แน่แล้วการผิดนัดโดยไม่บอกล่วงหน้าเป็นเรื่องผิดมารยาทอย่างมากสำหรับคนดัตช์ ถึงแม้เราจะขอโทษตามหลังได้ ก็ถือว่าไม่สุภาพอยู่ดี และการผิดนัดบางอย่างก็จะทำให้คุณเสียเงินไม่น้อย เช่น ผิดนัดแพทย์ฃ
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