History Waste water issues with the history along with the growth of the community. That is, when the population was less fragmented and it is not a problem, nothing much. Later, when the community grow more population. The problem with the sewage, followed by the shadows. This is because the sewage is produces in a person's everyday operations, and waste water will be much more multiple and new product compounds are a strange mix of modern with the waste water, which will make it more difficult problems, respectively, in the future. Wastewater in addition to strike with a dark black leather smell and toxic chemicals may be adulterated with it. When the sewage flowing into water bodies such as rivers, canals, they will turn into a swamp swamp water clean water is naturally lost. Do not use water from a water source may be the source anymore. Moreover, the odor to pervade throughout the area. Do not breathe air pure as harmful to health, hygiene and well-being of people living in severely. All water creatures that live in water sources if you don't die, they want to escape into another. The bear lived there will inevitably have the taste of beef phitphaek. Damage occurs not only in terms of people's health only. If the country's economy to affect. Because the acts that require the use of water as a feedstock, such as plumbing and industrial. May not use water from natural water sources for these. As a result, high production costs.
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