An essay about my career:::: PharmacyDream I believe that we are all born to be a dream. Each has a different dream, some up to become a doctor, I will be the programmers. Or someone might want to be a vet. We all have the right to dream and make it come true if we have courage from people around me, and inspired to make a dream come true.The present work and a lot of us choose to make up with how we choose to work anywhere in the m 3 believe that people have thought of that, we need to learn anything. In order to do a good job or task that we like. Some people may go to a career which learn about career directly to the experience and some may choose to study in the ordinary. Which is another choice. The ambition of each may be different. But everyone has the right to think and have the right to make that dream come true. Someone might have a dream.Dreamed to be a stewardess. Some wanted to be a nurse is a dentist, or even an engineer. Or someone like that in the world of imagination may be of computer graphic, someone might want to เป็นค pores. That everyone has the right to make a dream come true. If there are efforts, inquiry, diligent, patient, but for me I want to be a teacher because it will help teach children and also taught him to have a good future.
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