think I have a broken bone in my foot? I dropped a baking dish on it and a corner landed on my foot a couple of weeks ago but still hurts to the touch and the bruising is still there. could it broken or just bruised?
think I have a broken bone in my foot?I dropped a baking dish on it and a corner landed on my foot a couple of weeks ago but still hurts to the touch and the bruising is still there. could it broken or just bruised?Safe.
Think I have a Broken Bone in My Foot? I dropped a Baking Dish on it and a Corner Landed on My Foot a Couple of weeks ago but still Hurts to the touch and the bruising is still there. could it Broken or just Bruised? safe.
Think I have a broken bone in my foot? I dropped a baking dish on it and a corner landed on my foot a couple of weeks ago. But still hurts to the touch and the bruising is still there. Could it broken or just bruised?