- pyramid built to be buried king of ancient Egypt. The Egyptian people in those days, believe in life after death. Therefore be sure their king shall have everything needed for the next world.What archaeologists discovered a lot in the properties of the pyramid were precious stones, food, air and instrument and equipment, consumer hunting
.- pyramid has been hailed as a wonder of the world, including the pyramid of Giza city (city), which is the packing of pakturk ki King kiosks อปส์ (CHEOPS). Or Khufu.25.800 years age until now, it is over, 4 500 years. Is the biggest in the world, is located at the pyramid in the desert. This pyramid original high 481.4 footage, but at present only 450 feet wide base 768 feet. Use of sandstone cut into triangular rods about the weight of each chunk 2 and a half tons. Some of heavy 16 tons by bring the stacked up a cone5.000 years and the wonders of ancient only with long life to the present day
* The pyramids of Giza comprises
1.Astrophysics (Khufu) or the Great Pyramid of Giza (The Great Pyramid of Giza), which is one of the seven wonders of the world. Remain current. Is the largest and oldest among the pyramids of Giza
2.Pyramid of Khafre (Khafre) is located in the middle of the pyramid and 3 and built on high ground. Make it seem larger. And there are some misunderstanding that the pyramid of Khafre is the Great Pyramid of Giza On the east side of the pyramid of Khafre.Great Sphinx of Giza) stone carving gigantic often appear in photos, coupled with the pyramid of Khafre
3.Pyramid of Menkaure (Menkaure) as small as possible and the old among the pyramids of Giza, the least Position of construction to expect Originally intended to create a similar size astrophysics.Pyramid of Menkaure often appear in photos with the queen and 3 (The pyramid Three Queen 's Pyramids)
- creating a pyramid. By faith in exchange for food and clothing.
.Creating a pyramid. Created by human labor and simple tools in the construction of only a few species. Those who build pyramids not slaves.Although thousands of people who help build the pyramids will work for food and clothing. But everybody wants to participate in the creation of the king they buried respect is เทพเจ้า
- Giza Egypt, a mixture between a human and a lion. The head like a man. With the symbol of the Egyptian pharaoh listed is the beard on the chin. On his forehead is convoluted and Jewelry Tiara snake model King
.The sphinxes of Egypt's most famous is the red-bellied piranha (The Great Sphinx of Giza) area near pyramid Cafe fresco, which is part of. The pyramids of Giza (Giza Pyramid Complex)
* of the Sphinx:The Sphinx is a representative of the king. Or animals with intelligent and have the power to protect the body and wealth within the pyramid
.* giant of Giza Sphinx Sphinx is the largest in the world. Carved from the stone giant, only one by the length of the body 73.5 meters high 21 meters face length 5 meters long nose 2 meters. The beard could indicate a number of the size. At present, the beard and the nose of the Sphinx this giant was shown in the museum BRITISH MUSEUM London, part of the body of the Sphinx.And since is the Nile River. In the past, which is a flood came flooding Corrosion damage to the base, and the remains of the soaking water. Sphinx caused giant in picture imperfect as much.
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