Handicrafts Handicraft Refer to: The works that make up without relying on mechanical assistance, or may apply only some of the steps work that focuses on functional in daily life, and easy-to-use materials that are available locally that usually is a tradition. Characteristics of household crafts is also referred to as folk art Folk Art, these works are the charm is Handmade manufactured. Each piece is different. The quality is not consistent, for example, Bo created. Pottery work Work woven To make money.Design Design A design meant to convey the idea that other people are able to see or touch is recognized to have a shared understanding of the work. The importance of design, there are many reasons it is.1. in terms of the planning work. Making design work is based on the. Appropriate procedures and save time, so may be considered a design is to plan your work.2. in terms of presentations Portfolio designed to help those involved understand exactly match, so it is important to convey to the understanding between each other.3. is what describes the details about the job. Some categories may contain many details. Sophisticated design allows those involved and those who see a clear understanding or other design is representative of younger designers.4. a will is important. In the case of the designers with creating jobs or a manufacturer is a person who, for example, an architect with construction. Designers with manufacturers in the factory or if it is to be compared. Just like designers who write the plays themselves.Our design is born from the creativity and skill of the designer, there are several characteristics:1. a draw (drawing), painting (Painting), photos (Pictures) or draft (Sketch), with details (Draft), such as the construction of the image type (Printing), etc., using a different image characteristics of the work or show different information about the 2-d.2. as a model (Model), or real is the type that is used to display the details of a job over images, because clearly there is 3D makes it possible to understand the work. In addition, some models are also available. As real as well so it can used in a tested and working to find fault.
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