Integrity means by the dictionary as "good condition" is a positive property, style, or just a nice whether justifiable therefore it has been praised as a cornerstone of good living being, morality, principles and. Personal integrity is a characteristic that is a core value that promote overall greatness and virtue to which he belongs, as opposed to evil. Aristo title definition of virtue that is balanced between a lack of virtue, and the highest by a feature isn't exactly neutral, but that the average point of gold that sometimes more than one endpoint near the other end. For example, courage is the mean between the funky with folly. Confidence is the average point between neglected and lost its own thoughtful of others as the average point between Shepherd with fum fueay Aristo title believe that virtue is something people have life skills. In order to move ahead in a good relationship and the pursuit of happiness. To learn virtue may be difficult at first, but now it will be easier if you get in the habit of linear.Christopher Peter San (Christopher Peterson) and Martin se Li kamaen (Martin Seligman), which is a leading researcher on positive psychology sides (positive psychology) has proposed a list of personality and moral Character Strengths and Virtues in books by taking a 3-year study on the moral breakdown 24. book type (as major category 6) These moral education from various cultures and found a similarity of virtue according to different cultures] All major categories of virtue 6: courage (courage), Justice (justice), a humanitarian organization (humanity), emotional control (temperance), transcendence (transcendence), and wisdom (wisdom) Note: some psychologists also suggest a moral category, a break of less than 6 categories, such as the virtue can be divided into 24: virtue of knowledge understanding (Cognitive Strengths), the moral temper (Temperance Strengths), moral and social (Social Strengths)
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