Drug problem
.The drug is a great social problem That needs to be solved seriously and sincerely. Of those involved, but above all else. If you choose this topic to a teenager immediately that you are part of.Do so. "Don't start.... don't stop, you have to remember it well. 5 protective spells, drug problems
.You know well enough that the drug is a bad thing, so you have to learn to refuse, you must you play, wile in maneuvering to avoid to try drugs. At your best friend brought or persuade you for a reason, monies. You can.You have a lung and respiratory system of anywhere else. Always bad cough, sneeze, insomnia, every reason easy can be brought up
.With a friend to lean on you. If you stand in my heart that this lifetime you wouldn't hooked up again!In this world, there is something spectacular fun. You can be done without causing การบั่นทอน, healthy body and mind. You already know the danger of drugs.Friends for you really friends there. What conceals in mind? A friend is a good example that you should do? Friends in the loop. A vicious circle, you should help him, instead of a friend to invite you indulge in.Ray. It right or what sports play music, sing and dance to wander to text, fun, drawing, playing various games. Travel to the world of Internet and computer activities to bring.You must love you. You must not father, mother or your parents sad, please believe that the drug 1 less than a year. Your body will fall in the condition of a bad treatment to quit drugs.Hard if you are on the condition that grief and also solve the problem now is not drugs, not your solution. You must think and request. You lucky to solve the problem!At present, the youth are the slaves of the drug. Most are from several causes: caused by the youth, such as
- curiosity to experiment the prank of youth!- requirements to be acceptable to a group of friends or friends
- ignorance or รู้เท่าไม่ถึง situation of youth drug abuse or naive slogan
.- the minds of youth, a weak mind. Are not strong. When there is a problem, no happy
.Do not consider reason to solve the problem. Use medicines or drugs as an aid suspension. The feeling of suffering and its use often cause addiction. Therefore, to prevent and resolve themselves. Of the youth, safe from the drug problem.The main cause
1. Curiosity wanted to experiment the prank. Youth 2. Ignorance or knowledge of youth drug abuse or naive slogan
3.The minds of the youth's own weak mind. Are not strong. When there is a problem, no work, no thought to find reason to solve it using drugs or drugs as an aid suspension troubled feelings of their use บ่อยๆทำให้เกิด addiction so4.Needs to be acceptable to a group of friends or friends
, 1 solutions. Learn about the blame, and danger of drugs, and be careful to use
2.Selection met a good friend. Encourage thinking and action are very useful things Dare say refused a friend
induced, in a way that is not good, such as speech rejected a friend who invited to try เสพยา addictive
3.Leisure and curiosity, do you want to go in a way that benefits should always remember that self
. Valuable both for themselves, their families, and society.
4. Pride and respect themselves. Should not get involved with or per ยุม B and
.Any drugs, which will bring the decline into their lives.
5. Know how to fix their lives with cause and effect.
6. Recognize the role of self. With the studied diligently obey the instruction of
.Parents and behave in good things. To help youth success in life.
7. Let your mind cheerful. Understand how to live, and accept the fact that self
.It is the doctrine as a guideline in the way of life, to help youth's stability, psychological, more
8. When there is a problem. Know with the elders, father, mother, or who to trust, or the receiving
.Youth counseling, as a member of the family should help parents. Parents
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