At present, the principle of "Industrial Ecology (ecological industry)" would be interested in the Community industry. Many countries, especially the European Union (EU), the United States and Japan both the public and private sectors have tried launching a promotion. (The Directive), the establishment of business in consideration of impacts on the environment as a priority. Whether it is the procurement of raw materials and designing products that are environmentally friendly. Clean technology. As well as bringing items that leave the possibility of reusing or landfill all this caused extreme global warming (Global Warming) that resulted in alterations in climate (Climate Change) is distributed to the world model that takes into account sustainability parameters such as CO2 emissions reduction, reduced energy consumption, better traceability and reduced traffic congestion;best practices for companies looking to green their supply chains ; an outline of the supply chain green initiatives currently implemented or planned in manufacturing, warehousing and distribution;survey of sustainable packaging policies ;a look at the growing role of procurement organizations within sustainability efforts institutions of higher learning; a categorization of research and practice in purchasing, manufacturing, outbound, and reverse logistics dimensions;a framework for measuring the "green-ness"of green supply chain initiatives, the business case for green supply management initiavies, research on the debate by empirically evaluating the relationship between EMS and GSCM practices.
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