พบว่ายังขาดเพียงราบวิชาเดียวที่จะต้องเรียนในหลักสูตรคือ ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media จำนวน 3 หน่วยกิต โดยมีผู้เรียนตกค้างในวิชาดังกล่าว 3 คน
It was found that the lack of a single Department to be just plain course is Multimedia and Programming for Digital Media ITE465 3 credits, with participants remaining in these 3 people.
Found that the lack of a horizontal well to a course is ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media 3-credit courses, with students left in the third person.
Find also lacked the flat one subject to study in the course is ITE465 Programming for Multimedia and Digital Media number 3 credits. The students 3 residues in such subjects.