perfume is a tradition of the cavalry, as the need to have gone to your own perfume to announce to the official and 5 young บอยแบนด์ as the most "One Direction" now, it is one of theFor example, toothpaste, etc. This time it was time to announce the official with the scent "Our Moment" at the circle have been working with eminent Firmenich perfume manufacturer, there was the smell of the fruit ร๊ป fruit berries, red did Sennacherib แรนท์and the pear tree, Joshua white, sweet smell of colors will be out of shape, bottle, pink, with the cover and canopy draped out the sweet will be contrary to the public image บอยแบนด์! So young singer with a handwriting of wrote that "we love you, sir, จุ๊บๆ
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