Tales of ASEAN, Cambodia
to the Shrimp with the wolf , long ago, in the dry season the forest somewhere. Wolf went to the lake water, and the food is dry, with only a small pool at the bottom of the lake with fish, crabs and shrimp combinations are many. Wolf licking lip thinking that I can stomach it After a long walk for food When I started to catch One shouted that the shrimp "Hey you, Wolf If we eat the food. You should not have to wash it first for the smooth, "Wolf agreed. Shrimp and told the Wolf to lie down in the water to the island's animal hairs. And went to the pond, a new pool is full, "Okay, we'll wait for you here before rinsing. He hurried back to bring the rest to put it. Eat to satiety once broken it, "Wolf did so without the slightest inkling as shrimp, crabs and fish to come out. They were to dive gone in the blink of an eye. Mad Fox Standing left to get angry at myself lucky to know !!!
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