* * this open... The arm is several hundred years old. Down a pretty good. It worship and accumulate, the price is not expensive. Don't miss it
# Welcome Auction ...! the arm's Temple (old) print correspondents gilded ปางสมาธิ
.Beautiful, kind, very safe, strong, as the soil texture and gilded, packing chamber, very beautiful, the art of the old city, which have the magical in the admirer of Buddhism. Very prominent in safe, be invulnerable, the great อุตฆ์ army light work.Promoted the promotion superpowers potentiate, extra high power increase compose add prestige to claim gold advanced travel abroad. Disaster and all
.* * according to legend of Ayutthaya. It passed on that "district." he had built the temple regularly and measured one. Under the วัดวรเชษฐ์ outside the island. This temple called "Prince Buddha Temple." get short, "measuring the prince.""Wat galingale." there are villagers temple in the field, which is the east mouth stick Temple prince, came to dig the dungeon at the pagoda has a votive pottery antiques The characteristics of a Buddha. "ปางสมาธิ tablet" and "in subduing Mara posture."
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