Benefits of Pandan leafPandan leaves ginger Anita hearts, moist and reduce heart rate (water pandanus leaf)Drinking water, pandanus leaf helps quench thirst tuck as well as fragrant pandanus leaf cold resistance and then feeling refreshed relaxed.Cool sweet Pandan aid tightness capacity.Drinking water, pandanus leaf help repair the body's fatigue symptoms.Balance in the body.Who is the owner of the House is eating fire prepared from Pandan leaf can help make sense of cool refreshment.Helps heal diabetes helps control blood sugar levels, according to the Thai drug recipes were introduced a ginger. 32 leaves, leaves of teak trees 9 leaves bring the Sun, making the cut as a tea to drink at least 1 month or you can use the root about 1 handful bring to boil with cold morning of drinking water, it has the same (leaves, roots)Reduce blood pressure (water extract from Pandan)Help prevent clotting of the blood vessels.Pandanus leaf properties help to relieve symptoms and fever, toxic level.
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