Discussing the results
of this study found that the drug dispensing pain and fatigue of pharmacies in the Rat. Bangkok is a 111 series dispensing pain and fatigue, which is 24.3 percent higher than 0, so the hypothesis is not set. The number of pharmacies dispensing the pain and fatigue, and set the amount of the steroid, which is 25.9 percent higher than 0 percent is not a hypothesis as to the set as well. However, under Section 75 bis of the Medicines Act 2510 by the Medicines Act 2530 prohibits the sale of any drugs containing several parallel completed by the drug at the same time. With the intent to buy used together for treatment, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Or symptoms of any disease in particular. In the first paragraph does not apply to pharmacists floor. Medical professional Or health professionals in the dental field. The drug for their patients. And a veterinarian who sold animals for which his therapist who violates Section 75 bis shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding five thousand baht. Or both under Section 122 bis.
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