positive impact
1.Add the convenience of communication services and the production life of a man, such as comfortable in the society has been the contact through the bank with the bank at home (Home Banking). work at home network communication with Internet.
2.This is the society of social communication in the world, it can be overcome distance, time and place at a speed of the Communication Network is a high speed
3.There are many experts in the knowledge database, the development of the quality of life in the health care and medical doctors who are in rural areas, it can be diagnosed from the knowledge of an expert databaseConsult your doctor in the long-distance charges with experts
4.Information technology create an opportunity for the disabled or disadvantaged people from the body of the disabled people disabled people help create products that will be able to develop their skills and knowledge so that people can help those disabled people themselves.
5. improving the quality of education by encouraging the study of new forms of interest to learners by using your computer as a media to teach (Computer - Assisted Instruction: CAI), and learning using a computer (Computer - Assisted Learning:CAL) to students with the knowledge and understanding of a lesson more routine students can learn about the things in the system is a multi-media is also a role for the use of the remote tutoring (Distance Learning).
6.The changes in the direction of the better. i.e. reduces the time in the work, but at least it is more productive, such as a word processing program (Word Processing) to help in the print document
7.Consumers can benefit from the consumption of a variety of trade and are of good quality and the progress of technology, the format of the product has a variety of new and more manufacturers produce quality end of trade.and channels of trade, it has to Select more options such as the purchase of goods on the Internet and electronic commerce, etc.
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