4 the evidence shown to the Registrar such asThe witness (specify) 1. a copy of the register (volume 2), nanak No. 1023 down December 4 2558. Nong Takai2. a copy of house registration3. copy of the identity cardWitness1. Mr. Lek Chuesakun dopkhun alternative name. Identification number: 3-35-3, 189-3607-Nationality, birth date, 2481 Thailand related to the requester as the father.2. the name Liam Chuesakun dopkhun Mrs. test Identification number 3607-189-3-36-1.Nationality, birth date, 2483 Thailand related to the requester as mother.3. first name Mr. Manop Chuesakun dopkhun test Identification number: 3-3607-189-37-0.Thailand nationality born December 8 2502 relating to the requester as an adult home. Moo Moo 8 inviteRegistrar commandThe Registrar has issued a review of evidence, and this letter to the requester when the December 8 2558.
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