The effectiveness of using a computer system to provide medication in a group of patients with chronic disease at the hospital most street swamps. ca vegetables Hai, Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya abstract
. Strategic research development (developmental research), with the purpose to study the effectiveness of using a computer system to provide the drug. In a group of patients with a disease is both quantitative and qualitative research. 1) workers ' opinions on the system using the computer system 2) the opinions of 3) 4) lead time bias medical order prescription drug labels, and writing changes. By interview. All workers with the tools people 7 interview Center layout and data analysis, content analysis (contant analysis) best ideas of service recipients. 85 people with a tool that is used as a query and storage of medical error. Tools used by a medical error log Data analysis with
percent. The results showed that: Worker satisfaction in service with the new system. Is able to increase the ease of service and reduce errors in the data. Order prescription drug labels and is clearly reduced. How long it will take to make the service faster than ever. Best service satisfaction questionnaire from all 85 people satisfaction in many levels of lead time. Clear and complete information on drug labels in most levels. The procedure section, providing versatility in many levels. In most levels. The result of the lead time I found that the service intervals, ranging from history to get it back home. The average duration is reduced from 2 hours for a period of 45 minutes, which was found to reduce the lead time on the part of many drugs waiting to receive points. But as a whole the average duration is clearly reduced. Best medical error in the medication order and accuracy of label drugs before and after the development of the system found that the discrepancies in medicines ordered from 29 percent at 25.4 reduced to 3.5 percent at 3 best pharmaceutical label writing bias from 20 times 3 times reduced to 23.5 percent 3.5 percent decrease in summary: The effectiveness of the development of services using a computer system to provide medication in a group of patients with chronic disease. In the primary service units, as a result, the lead time of decreased. Moreover, medical error in the medication order and writing clearly reduced the drug label. But the effectiveness of these is probably the only part that result in patient safety from the use of more drugs. But there are also part of the bias in drug delivery.
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