What is your dream job? "The dream of every individual is different but I, believe everyone has dreams career family,,,, Work and do what they like. It is something that people all around the world want the same
ambition as a child such as,, ,, nurses police officers it 's all people think alike. My ambition now is elementary. To live like normal children Playing. With, friendsEat sleep daily brushing. But the teacher was asked "What is your dream job?" Of course I like my friend replied. Because. I was young The career I wanted to be a teacher because the teacher, to nurse it is thought as a child many years have passed. For a career that I wanted to be a dentist because I 'm known as a dentist opposite my house she looks, very pretty and a. Lot.Another reason is good She is a dentist who came to me every year in, dental school she inspires me at the time. And the. Other one is a designer because I love drawing coloring design,,, said friends my ideal career. But I would have thought. Differently. High Enough I chose to study science - math classes with only 30 students everyone in, the room has the same. Ambition but we, like to play.Children and Aspirations vary according to skills like a branch that I want to learn it. Many universities But do not forget. That family is important that we learn nothing. The great hope of the parents. Want their children to have a good job. The. Family had quite an influence on our lives. Now I learned near the, end Now I 'm worried about a university entrance exam.Fear my abilities may not be enough. I learned a medium I know more information of doctor career that doctor must have. A lot of sacrifice because doctor must be responsible life of, patients later was the problem of money. My father and my. Mother was a professional do not, get rich but I believe I have done. Now I want to learn my health because I do this. I. Think the dream of success.Having read a lot of books Try the old test To test our knowledge To keep the score To gain admission to university. Although. It is tired Requires effort and patience To ourselves and to look at us, from behind are the parents and to, make the best. Pathway to a better future despite the obstacles,,, of lonely tired fighting!!!!! Discourage it
successfully in my life. Is.How happy that makes me happy. People around me happy This is a real success
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