Which is 14% 77% Chinese, Malay, Indian and other 1.4% and 7.6% language used is English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. A national religion is Buddhism Hindu-Muslim Christian Confucius and Taoist relaxation.
The Chinese 77%, Malay 14%, Indian 7.6%, other 1.4% are both official languages of Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English. A national religion is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist Six Cult of Confucius.
Which is the Chinese 77% Malay and Indian 14% 7.6% 1.4% official language used are both Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English have a state religion. The Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Tao six and Confucianism.มีจำนวนประชากรประมาณ 4.35 ล้านคน ( 2548 )