Reaction rate
(rate of chemical reaction)
, the reaction rate (reaction rate, r) refers to changes in the concentrations of reactants or chemical products on time to the relationship between the concentration of precursor substances and products on time. While the reaction of substrate molecules, it will change the molecular products. Concentration of substrate reduction. The concentration of products is steadily increasing. We are therefore able to monitor the implementation of the reaction of •. The measured concentration of the reduced substrate •. Measuring the increased concentration of the product notes. To measure the rate of reaction is something to take into consideration: 1. Must be a mixing (shake) with regularity two. When the mixing is done must be measured immediately three. Mixing by hand To start the reaction rate (initial rate) was really hard, because when mixed with hand-finished measurement. It means that The time has passed for at least three seconds 4. conducted at low concentrations. Level mM (mM) into the reaction if the concentration of the reaction [A], [B] and [C] we can find the reaction rate of the incidence of the product. C reduction rate of the substrate either A or B (lower rates a minus) Example 1 decomposition of H2O2 into O2 and H2O reaction. Is it possible that the reaction will be that the rate of chemical products, C = 3 x (reduction rate of the substrate. A) reaction rate Are two examples of the decomposition reaction of NO NOBr found that the birth rate is equal to 1.6 x 10-4 mol L-1 s-1 Calculate the rate of reaction. And lower rates of NOBr? How do the chemical equation. Is that so The reaction rate Determined from the reaction rate is equal to 8.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 s-1 and due. The rate of decline of NOBr as two times the rate of the reaction. So that when a change of reaction conditions such as temperature or concentration. Can you think The reaction rate can be varied to do? It was found that Factors related to the reaction rate is six factors: 1. The nature of the reagents 2. The concentration of the reagents 3. The pressure of the reagents 4. Temperature catalyst 5. 6. The surface area of each of the properties in the reaction speed - Slow different. Such as nitrogen, an inert reaction so rarely react with any metallic sodium reacts rapidly with water. Sparks and hydrogen gas While magnesium metal reacts with water slowly following show trials following two blades in a beaker of water drip solution phenol Ralph apply lean already. It is observed that the water remains colorless. (Why?) Now try ingot sodium. (A pea-green) and sheet metal magnesium (size 0.5 x 1.0 cm2) into a single reaction of metallic sodium (Na) with a reactive metal, magnesium (Mg) and water (with a phenol Ralph Naantali. Based) (a phenol Ralph apply lean on) the equation, the reaction is the reaction of the two beakers are used Na or Mg only shows that the rate of reaction depends on the nature of the substrate. Most of the reaction when the concentration of the substrate. The reaction rate is often increased. There is little to no change. See the note is. The reaction rate, the change is not proportional to the concentration increases continually. To indicate that the rate of reaction to how much. Derived from the experiment, only one case: the increasing concentration affects the rate of reaction to increase the concentration of the substrate in the reaction, it was added to the particles of the substances react. When the size of particles is greater. Likely to collide and react, it will be more along the sample reaction pressure (pressure) gas concentration is often used to change the pressure to change the concentration. The pressure changes when compared to a concentration changes. So the pressure is one of the factors that affect reaction rates •. Why the added pressure of the gas so as to increase the concentration equation to try to change this equation, n is the number of moles, and V is the volume, so n / V is concentrated. And found that in terms RT will continue as long as the T fixed n / V is concentrated. So the pressure (P) is proportional to the concentration (n / V) itself (students can study further pressure on the subject. "Gas") , increasing the temperature is a condition that can increase crash. When the temperature or heating the substance in the reaction. The particles have kinetic energy increases Are moving faster, collide more likely to crash, then the reaction will be more. When the reaction is more, the reaction rate was increased because generally when a chemical reaction will result in a temperature increase the reaction rate increases. But in some reactions, the temperature was not to make the reaction rate increases as the reaction between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in the neutralization (neutralization reaction), etc., explained that temperatures are factors that affect birth rates. reaction Require the collision theory Graphs and energy of the particle distribution of Maxwell - Bolton Max Baumann. The energy of the particle distribution of Maxwell - Bolton Max Baumann particles in the area under the right side of the carbon energy only to have the reactive because it is a high-energy particles. The particles in the area under the left side of the power generating carbon particles, which are most likely to crash, but there is enough energy to react. If you graph the energy distribution of particles on heating the substance in the reaction generation.
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