Conclusion (Summary):
1. Inference Engine: inference mechanisms summarization
- help searching knowledge from the knowledge base (Search)
- compare patterns. (pattern Matching)
- control (Invertigate)
- eliminate (Eliminate)
- matching (Matching) in the form of rules
.Help get the results of summarizing properly
2 reasoning of man: AI is a concept in the peeling imitate the behavior and
human thinking Which man is how to reason and solution to the problem of different
3.The view on the problem solving process of man (Problem-Solving Process)
1 model is divided into 9. Formal Reasoning Method: solving the problems by using the reasoning model 2.
! Heuristic Reasoning: problem solving using heuristic
3. Production Rule: rules of production 4 Common Sense:
.Using ordinary, think of, what to expect in the target
5. Divide and Conquer: use the principle of divide and choose the best
6.? Representation: representation of the idea
7. Analogy: using comparable
8. Synergy: solving problems by using the participation.
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