Go back in time to when I was eighteen years old, I met a woman on Facebook. We were very congenial talk. She is a cute smile teeth Overall she is a good one. We both talked to me until the day I met her. We've Come So, I am embarrassed But he forced himself We talked about it a long time From that day, I felt that this one's it, that's right. I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend. She said yes, I'm very glad I did not think she would have liked a guy like me. We began to talk about the line. The video call each other. Tango together before bed every night. From that day to this day one year and seven months, I have a feeling that she never changed it. I still love you the same, and more and more every day. She is the woman I love, one after my mother. Man, I did not choose, I still love you so much. Then the woman I choose, I must love her a lot of it. I always think that I will love and take care of her forever. Will not make you regret Today we have some little touchy it. Vacation! I would travel with her, I'm happy to be with her all the time. Seeing her smile Here is the impression I was.
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