HELLO MY NEW THAI FRIEND?Thank you very much fo r replying, my mail you are A beautiful woman.I appreciate you for choosing me among all the men. In the world in writing me and I am sorry for not replying since yesterday now I was, busy. I am happy you seek a long. Term relationship which is very important to me. Which will culminate in Marriage, and Family I 'm a Man with strong family. Values.I read your e - mail today again and I was touched by it and you posses that Character, of maturity that I need in a. Woman You are, a beautiful woman. We are now very good friends, and actually an effective communication is needed for an. Effective relationship to grow and base, on this I will like to keep this our relationship for good and build on, it strongly. It gives me joy reading your message today and I felt so happy about it and I will really like to meet you soon. What about. You do you, like to meet me soon?I never wanted to go into relationship until I was introduce to online dating as one of my customer got his bride from. The internet.I am a single parent taking care of my my daughter after my wife died I feel sad whenever she complains about. Having the care of a mum and also for me be lonely I decided, to seek advice from a marriage adviser on how I will get someone. Really special and someone to spend the rest of my life with because it is really difficult to live all alone without a. Companion that was, how I was introduce to this site that I can meet someone really nice and humble there, on Thai-cupid. I am really impress that there are real women like you on this site because I never thought as much. And I have deleted. My profile from, the Site because of too much distraction and to enable me concentrate on you and please do same, for me. If by now you yet to delete your profile that means, you don 't love me.I am a Christian and a God fearing man the last, time I visited Arizona city was 1999 but I 'm living a beautiful life here. In Wisconain with everything, successful in, my business I have a lot to say about myself but few are to be mention which. Are as follows Am a, very ambitious person optimistic playful hard working,,,,,,, devoted intelligent trusting genuine honest,,, Sincere witty and, easy going man with lots of joy love and, happiness to offer to my true love and Mrs. Right. I m very. ' Passionate and emotional in all areas of my life especially about, my immediate family. I am very responsible and try to. Eat right; hence I make sure that I keep fit so I don 't get a pot belly. I have always believed in a healthy relationship. Though I have not had one in a, long time It is important to be passionate romantic caring,,, lots with of laughter to keep. The body healthy.I have strong family values and my daughter is the most precious and only family I, have now the best thing that has ever. Happened to me is my daughter.I take good care of Monic and she is always with me unless she is in school.We live together without the help of a maid. As I took it upon myself to give her the best in life.I like the outdoors with my daughter and the weekend is always a special. Time for me and, my daughter past two three years and two months raising my daughter alone has not been very easy. I am. Not here online to mess up with, your love I am a serious minded man and I, want to assure you that if all goes positive. For us I will, make plans soon to come and, see you because I believe the earlier the better I will, also like you to snap. Some photos and send to me and I want to hear and know more from you your past, and been single and how long you have been. On the dating site.Please I want you to delete your profile from, the site so that we can concentrate on ourselves.I have deleted my, own already because. I know I have found you.Hope to hear from you soon.KISSES and Hug for you.
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