The academic literature has been biased towards depicting adaptation t การแปล - The academic literature has been biased towards depicting adaptation t แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

The academic literature has been bi

The academic literature has been biased towards depicting adaptation to climate change as a rational decision-making process, with constraints being mainly available resources and technologies. An ideal rational adaptation process would start by evaluating the problem of climate change (assessing exposure), mapping possible solutions (possible adaptive measures), and, through a cost–benefit approach, the best and most feasible adaptation measure(s) would be decided and simply implemented. Should organisational structure not favour the implementation of measures directed at the goals set, it would be accordingly altered.

Recent studies have focused on institutional barriers and limits to adaptation, however (for example Adger et al., 2007). We share their concern that neglecting institutional constraints may conceal true human limits to adaptation and also narrowly frame the scope of measures that could be taken in order to increase adaptive capacity. Society consists of formal and informal social structures (regulatory factors, values, norms and cognitive limits) influencing choice and behaviour. These factors have still not received the deserved attention in the adaptation literature. After all, resources and technology are of little use if such institutional factors hinder implementation of proper adaptive measures.

In this chapter, we develop an institutional approach and seek to apply it to analyse constraints to adaptive capacity in the national energy system, chosen due to its vital role as a hub linking together other societal systems and functions. Human life, welfare and security in modern societies are highly dependent on stable supply of energy.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
die akademiese literatuur is bevooroordeeld teenoor uitbeeld aanpassing by klimaatsverandering as 'n rasionele besluitneming proses, met beperkinge wat hoofsaaklik beskikbare hulpbronne en tegnologie. 'n ideale rasionele aanpassing proses sal begin deur die evaluering van die probleem van klimaatsverandering (die beoordeling van blootstelling), kartering moontlike oplossings (moontlike adaptive maatreëls), en.deur 'n koste-voordeel-benadering, sal die beste en mees haalbare aanpassing maatreël (s) beslis word en net geïmplementeer word. moet organisatoriese struktuur nie die implementering van maatreëls wat gerig is op die doelwitte wat genadig te wees, sou dit dienooreenkomstig verander word.
onlangse studies het gefokus op institusionele hindernisse en beperkings op aanpassing, maar (byvoorbeeld Adger et al., 2007).Ons deel hul kommer uitgespreek dat die verwaarlosing van institusionele beperkings ware menslike grense kan wegsteek van aanpassing en ook eng raam die omvang van maatreëls wat om aanpasbaar te verhoog geneem kan word. gemeenskap bestaan ​​uit formele en informele sosiale strukture (regulerende faktore, waardes, norme en kognitiewe grense) beïnvloed keuse en gedrag.hierdie faktore het nog nie ontvang die verdiende aandag in die aanpassing literatuur. na alles, hulpbronne en tegnologie is van die min gebruik indien so 'n institusionele faktore verhinder implementering van behoorlike adaptive maatreëls.
in hierdie hoofstuk, ontwikkel ons 'n institusionele benadering en poog om dit toe te pas beperkinge aanpassingsvermoë in die nasionale energie-stelsel te ontleed.gekies as gevolg van sy belangrike rol as 'n middelpunt te koppel saam ander maatskaplike stelsels en funksies. menslike lewe, welsyn en veiligheid in moderne samelewings is baie afhanklik van stabiele voorsiening van energie.
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