1. What do you mean by 'single company'? > Answer: Database support in Multi company style is used in many companies in the Database, but the condition that the customer purchase the number 1 company.2.We are single company but 5 different divisions. How will your product differentiate between the different divisions?> Answer: can be Set up as separate divisions.3.What is Sybase SQL users "concurrent users"? And what is the basis for 13 Nos.?> Concurrent user response is right to use the program, you can Log in by Log in access (Client server, and Web Server) is the number of Concurrent user 13 according to purchase order.However, customers can purchase more in the future.4.Will we be getting the runtime license for Sybase SQL Anywhere (now called as SAP SQL Aywhere) or is it the full version of the database?This brother >> not sure what the customer asked about translation, please.5.Who will be providing the upgrades & patches for Sybase SQL Anywhere?> Sybase Thailand (OEM) 6.Is the customization cost optional or will it be applicable?> เป็น Option ให้ลูกค้าเลือก เพื่อให้ลูกค้าตั้ง Budget ไว้ กรณีมีการ Customize เกิดขึ้น 7.Regarding the implementation cost, you need to give detailed breakup of the resources that will be deployed and for the number of days (resource-wise) as per example below > อ้างอิง ตาม แผน Implement ที่ระบุใน Proposal 8.Similarly for SAP interfacing, we need the details of the resources that will be deployed > อ้างอิง ตาม แผน Implement ที่ระบุใน Proposal
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