Raising a chicken breed of space age 40-45 days, thus consumers or distributors. Sometimes called a chicken broiler or a model. The species is mostly raise purebred hybrids resulting from features, very rapidly growing body and good disease resistance.Greenhouses and raising broiler chickens are fed by the popular combination as a colony in the greenhouses or kennel, which is larger or smaller depending on the amount of chicken feed. Raising chickens in greenhouses, plant nurseries in the shelter dogs to look up or old that can prevent rain splash into the Interior. The size of the chicken should be based on the primary school, 1 to 3 square feet of banquet space of housing should use wire mesh to allow air and wind and rain protection, protective plastic stick side. The ground should the housing with chaff to absorb data close to or change every sewage and raising chickens, each generation. In addition, it should supply the food table, chicken-eating water Rails sufficiently with sand or powdered shells to prevent clubs.Chicken dishes. Food-chicken feed is the most popular food mixed with different recipes, chicken and the chicken version is ignited in a chicks (ages birth to 15 days). The food, there will be around 20-22 percent protein. Chicken dishes (age 15) The food, there will be approximately 16-18 percent protein should be mixed with the food supplier to the food itself. Who wants to waste time looking for various types of food.The food and water. Put food and water containers should be hung to prevent to dig up chicken stand. The food is mixed should be given food and water each day.Disease prevention in the period were the chicks feed eye 1-3 vaccine should prevent Newcastle, by cough drops, sneezing and nose which prevents the snot that often occurs with the chicks are always including smallpox vaccine for disease caused by the mosquito as carrier chicken bite chicks. When chicks aged 12-21 days by stabbing the wings.To bring the output to use chicken fed with about 40-45 days, thus apply the benefits by selling both a kilogram. The price is based on the deficiencies of the market. Moreover, if consumers or distributors used processing method or the sale price of each baked for about 100-120 baht.
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