Ask for comment in the king and the queen 1 ash that is soul of Devi Isis crown. "The sun and the moon. The crown image. The crown lotus bloom. Means know ธรม like lotus, hill, longer than 5 000 years called the lotus of ไนย river basin with the Osiris in that era, no time planning It in Herod"s graphic returned is planning build national cemetery at 1 CETI record story father or mother. Both 2 cooperative care 2 son, God. Horus with God Anubis in God the son Horus borrower 2 throne, Lee Yip Yip pipe over Lee pipe under the night จากผู้เป็น ah, God Cep who killed their father The Isis Osiris has a successor of the mother goddess. Isis wear 2 Sun crown crown crown Moon give world, for the son of God Horus like in the seat beside you, God is a Anubis crown shadow when the younger son, God Horus loan 2 throne. Therefore act rule 2 throne. Parents Devi Isis Leo female duty. I she help point the direction for the son, son. Take care of earth to be the father, God, Osiris Leo male duty rudder. Help son to pry the son walk in the path that is evidence of divine boat Horus have 4 person instead of 4 elements. Earth, air, fire, water from bowl ano Bi.
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