Types of fireballsTypes of fireballs Types of fireballs There are 2 types of fireballs. Category 1: fireballs without the tail, such as fireballs output fireballs with their fireballs phaniang fireballs flowers white horse bang fai storyline fireballs. Types of fireballs1. the fireballs votes Fireballs Bo or small fireballs as votes for the barrel length. Approx. 4-10 inches packaged up to approximately 8 section 1 heavy mue 1 section 2 kilogram use tail 1-4 meters with a small bundle of bamboo cylinder placed around the popular block of fireballs in fireballs large (tens of thousands of fireballs, bang fai SAEN) At present, there are no less popular because of the photographer. 2. the fireballs horses. This type of fireballs as small fireballs to point in the direction that the wire is a way of fixing it to the target. A common characteristic is the bang fai cylinder is made from bamboo, to articulate the size 1. Generally, the diameter is about 2 inches long and about 1 ft to Central and northeastern region called "firework" is similar to a horse that is running, if the photo anything call met a man riding a cow, but I will do what the format is sometimes called northern lights tell you shoot. 3. the fireballs Chang This type of tail no fireballs There is another name that phok or hips. At times, I don't want to throw up but I want to have the vocals similar to Chang to sing. How to make fireballs, spawned the largest length is only one protection, it is close to the bamboo rods 2 small holes. To access the fuse hole and mue mue bar made from a 4-3 charcoal mue cram into a small bamboo, tight and smooth, remove sticks out like mue kralan, has estimated that 3-inch sticks the ignition fuse peripheral popular big bang fai. Time to ignite the same loud voice surgery, Chang to sing popular place a wide bore to be loud, however, are a technique for causing the noise.
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